Ruptures of the neoliberal order: critique of individualism, political atomization and identity polarization


  • Lucas de Alvarenga Gontijo PPGD - PUC Minas
  • Mariana Ferreira Bicalho PPGD PUC Minas



Neoliberalism understood as an order of material production and social reproduction affected the world of work and consequently all human relations within the society in which work is inserted, withering the concept of class. This article seeks to understand the current political and institutional situation in order to investigate the neoliberal subjectivities hidden within the social struggles that permeate contemporary democracies. From this purpose, it was discovered that the dissolution of historical references that built workers as collective subjects, as a class, takes place through a process of constant deterritorialization, in which traditional subjectivations lost strength, without being replaced by other forms social cohesion. Atomized workers, guided by the overvaluation of the self and polarized by digital networks and walls, gave form to a new social ethos resulting from a depoliticized and passive (merely consuming) culture. The production of this diagnosis had two more detailed analyzes: the first consisted of analyzing the waves of feminist movements in the midst of neoliberal subjectivation. The second was to study what happened in Brazilian democracy after the 2013 demonstrations, when digital masses and their new identification economy emerged. Therefore, the transformations that have altered the dynamics of the contemporary political sphere are the main issues of this article. The prognosis reached was to recognize that the digital masses have made their own identity a fetish of immaterial capitalism, removing the ethical sense of politics or, still, confusing it with competition. This critical perspective allowed to defend in a transparent and forceful way that social relations are due to plural intersubjective constructions and at the same time mutually recognized among individuals in a political community.

Author Biographies

Lucas de Alvarenga Gontijo, PPGD - PUC Minas

Professor Lucas Gontijo é mestre (2002) e doutor (2005) em Filosofia do Direito pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG. Professor da graduação e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito stricto sensu da PUC Minas e professor titular de Filosofia do Direito da Faculdade de Direito Milton Campos - FDMC. Como pesquisador de Filosofia Social do Direito, dedica-se à teoria política, com ênfase em biopolítica, teoria do reconhecimento e democracia. Como investigador da filosofia da linguagem, trabalha com teoria da argumentação, hermenêutica, pragmatismo e epistemologia das ciências sociais. Membro fundador da Associação Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito e Sociologia do Direito - ABRAFI, a ocupar, no momento, sua vice-presidência, vez que cumpriu mandatos como diretor secretário e diretor financeiro.

Mariana Ferreira Bicalho, PPGD PUC Minas

Mestre em Teoria do Direito pela PUC Minas. Diretora da Associação Nacional de Pós-graduandos (ANPG). Coordenadora de projeto da Universidades Aliadas por Medicamentos Essenciais (UAEM Brasil). Coordenadora do Observatório Jurídico do Terceiro Setor e Direitos Humanos.




