THE carnavalization of law educations as the escape of a pinguinized habitus


  • Pablo Cavalcante Costa Federal University of Piauí
  • Maria Sueli Rodrigues de Sousa Federal University of Piaui



The present text brings legal education with Warat through Bourdieu's habitus category correlated with the formation of specific legal teaching practices reproduced in a process he calls “pinguinizationâ€. The problem is: how can the carnivalization of legal education, proposed by Warat, help to modify the legal habitus present in the field of law education? When analyzing the pinguinization process, one must realize that the practices reproduced within the legal field tend to transform legal operators into penguins, committed to values ​​that are distant from social reality, and accommodated in the dominant order. The solution indicated by Warat would be the carnivalization of legal education in order to undo ideological representations and explode the totalitarian orders that permeate this field inside out.

Author Biographies

Pablo Cavalcante Costa, Federal University of Piauí

Master by the Graduate Program in Sociology (PPGS) at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). Bachelor of Laws from the Santo Agostinho University Center (UNIFSA). Technician in Administration from the Federal Institute of Piauí (IFPI). College professor. He acts as a lawyer in the areas of Civil Law, Criminal Law, Consumer Law, Administrative Law and Constitutional Law. Participates in the Interdisciplinary Literature Studies group - INTERLIT (UESPI), in the line of research Literature and Law. Develops academic research in the area of ​​Law and Sociology, acting mainly on the following topics: Law and Art, Law and Literature, Law and Music, Law and Samba, Fundamental Rights and Guarantees, Territorialities, Urban Spaces, Socio-spatial Segregation and Criminalization of Poverty.

Maria Sueli Rodrigues de Sousa, Federal University of Piaui

Graduated in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Piauí (1996) and Law from the State University of Piauí (2003), lawyer, master's degree in Development and Environment from the Federal University of Piauí (2005), holds a doctorate in Law, State and Constitution from University of Brasilia (2009), with postdoctoral internship by PNPD - National Postdoctoral Program, at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, together with the Postgraduate Program in Education, Contemporary Contexts and Popular Demands (PPGEduc). Has experience in Law, Sociology and Anthropology, with an emphasis on Law Theory, Legal Sociology, Legal Anthropology, Environmental and Socio-environmental Law, Constitutional Law, acting mainly on the following themes: empirical research with constitutional law, socio-environmental law, law territorial, human rights, relationship between culture and nature, traditional and quilombola populations, living with the semi-arid and ethnic-racial issues. She is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Piauí, based in the Department of Legal Sciences - DCJ, in the Postgraduate Program in Sociology, in the Postgraduate Program in Public Management, in the Research Center on Africanities and Afrodescendence - IFARADÁ and the group of research on human rights and citizenship - DiHuCi. 





